NJCL Registration Deadline
Hey JCLers! Because we need to organize transportation, if you would like to go to NJCL and travel with the ILJCL delegation to Georgia, please register for NJCL by May 26!!! (If you would like to go to NJCL but would not like to travel with the ILJCL delegation, the registration deadline is June 8)
Regardless of how you plan to get to NJCL, once registered, please email Magister Nifong at wnifong@cps.edu with your Name, Pronouns, School, Level of Latin, and interest in playing Certamen!
Here is the link to a facts doc with information on registration and other essential info Here is the link to a slideshow (made by me) that summarizes most essential information about NJCL convention and why you should go! Be on the lookout for pre-convention activities from us as well!! We look forward to seeing you in Georgia!! :)