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The ILJCL publication, the Nuntius, is now taking submissions from JCLers!

ART CORNER: Submit any artwork that you've made in any medium! Classical themes are encouraged but not required. Visual artwork will be shown as images and short stories/poems will be shown in full. If the piece of art cannot be shown in the Nuntius, such as music or a longer piece of writing, a link to the artwork will be published. You can submit at any time, and all appropriate submissions will be included. Submission link:

JCL STORIES: Submit any personal stories about the JCL! These stories can be from any time during any event as long as the story is JCL-related. Photos that go along with the story are also welcome (and encouraged!). You can submit at any time, and all appropriate submissions will be included. Submission link:

CHAPTER SPOTLIGHT: Apply for your school to be featured in the Nuntius's Chapter Spotlight! You don't need to fill out the form multiple times; you application will still be saved and considered among other applications for the next edition of the Nuntius if your school isn't immediately chosen. Multiple submissions from the same school will be shown together if that school is chosen. Submission link: TBA

GENERAL RULES: Your name will be whatever name you submit in the form, and you can opt out of being named in the Nuntius in every category EXCEPT the Chapter Spotlight. If any picture(s) are submitted, please make sure as best you can that everyone featured in the video
is comfortable with being featured in the Nuntius. ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE SCHOOL- AND JCL-APPROPRIATE. If there are any questions or issues, email

Nuntius Archive

Nuntii by Taylor Sellers-Varela , 2021-2022

Summer 2021: Volume XI, Issue II

Spring 2021: Volume XI, Issue I

Nuntii by Greta Markey, 2017-2018

Fall 2017: Volume X, Issue I

Nuntii by Atif Osmani, 2016-2017

Spring 2016: Volume IX, Issue I

Nuntii by Tori Teik, 2015-2016

Winter 2015-16: Volume VIII, Issue III

Fall 2015: Volume VIII, Issue I

Nuntii by Kate Scott, 2013-2014

Winter 2013-14: Volume VI, Issue III

Spring 2013: Volume VI, Issue I

Nuntii by Hannah Novak, 2012-2013

Winter 2012-13: Volume V, Issue III

Fall 2012: Volume V, Issue II

Spring 2012: Volume V, Issue I

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