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Submit Materials for the Nuntius!

The ILJCL Nuntius is now accepting submissions! You can have your artwork featured, write a JCL story, or submit a chapter spotlight! Submit art at! You can submit any time, in any medium, and everything appropriate will be featured. Visual art will be shown images and short stories or poems will be printed in full. If your writing is too long or your art can't be published in a newspaper format (for example, music), we'll publish a link instead.

Submit JCL stories at! Submit any personal stories you have about the JCL! These stories can be from any time during any event as long as the story is JCL-related.

Submit to the chapter spotlight at! Submit an application for your school to be featured in the ILJCL Nuntius's Chapter Spotlight! You do not need to fill out this form multiple times; if you are not chosen for the edition of the Nuntius that directly follows your application, your application will still be saved and considered among other applications for the next edition of the Nuntius. Multiple submissions from different people for the same school will be featured together if that school is chosen. Your name will be shown in the Nuntius if your school is chosen.

For all submissions except for the chapter spotlight, you can opt out of having your name and/or school shown alongside your submission. The name shown alongside your submission will only be the name that you submit in the form that you want to be referred to as. If you submit any picture(s), please make sure as best you can that everyone shown in the picture is comfortable with being featured in the Nuntius. PLEASE MAKE SURE ALL SUBMISSIONS ARE SCHOOL- AND JCL-APPROPRIATE. If you have any questions or issues, email


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